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July 19, 2010


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Ananth Pai

I am an elementary teacher in White Bear Lake, MN. I use technology (websites, multi-player games, Nintendo DS learning games, digital voice recorders, etc.) as well as books and other traditional media. Students' abilities in a class of twenty or more, ranges from 1% ile to 99% ile relative to grade level material. To address that, one needs to have scalable curriculum that is nearest to each students learning level at any given time. If not, with traditional media alone, schools dish out a curriculum that is a design match to the problem - the degree of variance in abilities among students in a classroom. NY's school of one is focusing on this issue. I am addressing that in my room. Students in my class want to see it replicated. See their petition and a TV news video at http://sites.google.com/site/teamdrillhead

Joe Graba

Hi Ananth. Thank you for your comment. It sounds as though you are doing a great deal to customize the learning experience for your students. You are to be commended for your efforts! I do believe that there are many teachers that are making tremendous efforts to make this happen in their classrooms. Because of the structure we used in elementary schools, I believe this happens more often in elementary schools than it does in secondary. Our long tradition of using courses and credits and teachers and students moving from class to class make this much more difficult in secondary schools. In addition, several aspects of customizing learning require changes in policies that are beyond the reach of individual teachers and individual schools.

Please keep up the great work.

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